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Fligth Sharing Platform


BBPlane particularly focuses its interest on the safety of passengers and pilots. In this sense, each user (both Passenger and Pilot) must register on the Portal, communicating his identity, address, telephone number and details of his identity card / passport. This information is necessary to ensure mutual pilot-passenger trust, increasing the safety standards of the BBPlane Portal.
Pilots must also communicate the details of their flight licenses, aircraft identifiers and flight hours performed.
To improve the Pilot-Passenger interaction, BBPlane wants to create a community based on truthful and verified feedback systems. In fact, after each flight, Pilots and Passengers will be able to share their opinions, impressions and emotions shared through feedback. This will facilitate the increase in the quality standards of the service offered on the Pilot side and, at the same time, will guarantee Pilots to know who gets on board.
The sharing of flight costs is regulated by the European Regulation (EU) No 379/2014 of 7 April 2014, which amends the previous Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012. Pilots can share flights and aircraft up to a maximum of 6 seats, with non-complex engines. According to current legislation it is allowed to share only the flight costs, without producing profit on the routes. EASA also issued a statement stating the possibility of advertising flights, as long as the flight costs remain shared.
It will be possible to cancel a flight in the following cases:
The Pilot does not approve the user's request;
The Pilot makes a cancellation within 72 hours prior to the flight;
The Passenger makes a cancellation within 48 hours prior to the flight
Furthermore, the Pilot can cancel the flight at any time due to bad weather or for reasons not directly attributable to it (eg strikes, order from control bodies, non-navigable aircraft). In all the cases mentioned above, passengers will be reimbursed, if they have already paid, of the entire amount paid. If the Passengers have chosen the cash payment method at the airport, they will not be required to have any refund, or to pay any sum of money, as long as the aforementioned cases are respected.
Passengers, their baggage and third parties are covered by the aircraft insurance which the Pilot is required by law to comply with. Insurance is also compulsory for ultralights from 1st May 2005 thanks to the European regulation CE 785/2004.
Charter to promote the safety of non-commercial General Aviation flights with light aircraft
This Charter has been developed in cooperation with the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (hereafter “EASA”) in order to promote the safety of non-commercial General Aviation flights with light aircraft. By signing this Charter the flight sharing platform makes the commitment to adhere to the principles, responsibilities and values stated below. Specifically, the flight sharing platform commits to:
Article 1
Inform the passengers of the different safety levels concerning non-commercial General Aviation flights with light aircraft as compared to commercial air transport operations.
Article 2
Actively promote a safety oriented code of conduct for both pilots and passengers.
Article 3
Provide pilots with check-lists, guidance and tutorials on safety best-practices .
Article 4
Provide passengers with accurate and meaningful information on the type of aircraft flown and the pilot's current experience and qualification.
Article 5
Provide an online forum in order to promote the sharing of safety best practices within the GA pilot community.
Article 6
Collect data related to flights, aircraft and pilot profiles, and to share this data with EASA and national competent authorities.
Article 7
Meet annually with EASA and national competent authorities with a view to review the implementation of this Charter.
Article 8
Implement the detailed elements provided in the Annex to this Charter.
Article 9
Publish this Charter on the platform's website.
BBPlane - Terms and Conditions of Use
The owner and manager of the BBPlane Portal, as well as the provider of related services is Giorgio Bignotti.
Object of the Portal and service offered.
BBPlane represents a virtual platform where Pilots - Users make use of the service offered therein, in particular the possibility of inserting announcements - offers for sharing flight costs. As a provider of a virtual platform, the purpose of BBPlane is to mediate between supply and demand, operating solely as an "intermediary" with respect to the transactions that are concluded there. A virtual place is therefore provided where the User - Consumer and the Pilot - Sharer have the opportunity, and the tools, to negotiate and conclude transactions of goods and products. From this it follows that the contracts relating to the sharing of flight expenses are concluded exclusively between the User - Consumer and the Pilot - Sharer. BBPlane does not assume any responsibility deriving, for any reason, from the commercial relationships established as a result of the Service offered by the BBPlane Portal itself, or in any way connected to the sales contracts concluded between the Pilot and the User. The Pilot - Sharer, who offers his / her free seats on BBPlane, is responsible for the flight and for the management of any complaints from Users or any other problem deriving from or connected to the contract between User and Pilot, and to shared services.
Newsletters and communications.
If the User wishes to receive, via e-mail, the BBPlane newsletter, or communications relating to the advertisements present on a specific date on the portal itself, he must expressly authorize the sending of e-mails by BBPlane, as well as having the duty to authorize the processing of their data.
User Registration and Account.
To have access to the features and services of BBPlane, you need to register, which is also essential for making a flight reservation. BBPlane reserves the right to reject a new registration, or cancel an account, at any time. To proceed with the registration operations, the User must provide his / her name, surname, address, e-mail address and telephone number. Further personal data are purely optional. During the registration process, the User must also provide a password, which he undertakes to keep confidential. By registering, the User exempts BBPlane from any liability deriving from improper use of the password by third parties who have become aware, in any way, of the password referable to the User. All accounts must be registered with a valid e-mail address referable to the User who uses it.
Following registration, BBPlane is entitled to send the User and the Pilot e-mails with administrative and promotional content, information relating to account activity and purchases, updates about BBPlane and related services, other promotional offers, information on purchases made by the User himself. The User may at any time opt out of receiving promotional e-mails by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of the e-mails with promotional content.
The User guarantees that all data and information provided at the time of registration, and contained in the personal account, are true and complete. Furthermore, the User undertakes to promptly communicate any changes to the aforementioned data and information, updating them within his / her account.
The User undertakes not to provide false or misleading data, including false names, addresses and contacts, as well as undertakes not to fraudulently use credit or debit card numbers, not to try to circumvent the security measures of the BBPlane Portal or to violate the network, use the BBPlane services for purposes unrelated to commercial transactions, engage in any illegal activity in connection with the use of the site and / or the services offered by BBPlane.
BBPlane does not guarantee that the services offered therein are free of viruses or other elements that may cause detrimental effects on any technology.
Suspension of service and termination .
Access to the services on BBPlane, as well as to the related flight cost sharing service, can be suspended, limited or interrupted at any time. BBPlane reserves the right to block access to any material and / or to remove any material which, in the reasonable and unquestionable judgment of BBPlane itself, may give rise to violations of the purposes and conditions relating to the services offered by BBPlane. BBPlane reserves the right to close the account of any User and Driver who violates the terms and conditions of use expressed in this document.
Collaboration commitment with the Authority. BBPlane undertakes to cooperate, collaborate and operate, in any way, with all competent authorities, including judicial authorities, where they order or require BBPlane to communicate the identity or location, as well as further data, of anyone who make it responsible for any IT infringement (fraud, etc.).
Personal data. BBPlane invites the User and the Rider to consult the conditions relating to the processing of personal data, which form an integral part of these "terms and conditions of use".
Portal content.
All rights reserved. In particular, all intellectual property rights (such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, service marks, commercial brands, designs, both registered and unregistered) present on BBPlane, and in particular in all its sections, as well as all published information content or access to which is allowed through the services provided by BBPlane, all the databases managed by BBPlane, the texts, graphics, software, photos, videos, music, sounds, underlying source codes and all software, and in general all information offered and contained in BBPlane, are the property of the Portal.
All the material listed above may not be reproduced, redistributed or copied, distributed, republished, downloaded, displayed, published or transmitted in any form or by any means, sold, rented, sub-licensed, used to create derivative works, or exploited in any manner in the absence of the prior and express authorization of BBPlane.
It is allowed to find and view the content of BBPlane on the screen of a PC, tablet or smartphone, store the content in electronic form on a disk (however not on a server or on a storage device connected to a network) or print a copy of such content exclusively for personal and non-commercial use, provided that it keeps intact all notices relating to copyright and other proprietary rights. It is forbidden to reproduce, modify, copy, distribute or use the materials or contents of BBPlane for commercial purposes without the prior and express authorization of BBPlane.
All rights, including goodwill and, where applicable, trademarks, to the names of BBPlane are owned by BBPlane. The other names of goods and products, as well as the company names mentioned on the Portal, even if they represent trademarks, registered or unregistered, are the exclusive property of their respective owners.
BBPlane reserves the right to check the comments left by users following the purchase of goods and products, avoiding the publication of comments that are not appropriate to the nature of the Service offered by BBPlane.
When the User purchases a product on BBPlane, he is purchasing from a third party Pilot - Sharer with respect to the Portal, therefore not directly from BBPlane. In the event that the User needs an invoice, or to obtain information relating to invoices and VAT on purchases from third parties, it will be necessary for the User to contact the Pilot - Sharer. It will also be necessary to provide the Pilot- Sharer with the Tax Code or the VAT number, so that he can issue a valid invoice, in case the Driver - Sharer can actually issue it. BBPlane will not communicate the User's data to third parties for VAT registration. The Pilot - Sharer, in some cases, may not even be subject to the obligation to issue the invoice.
General clauses.
BBPlane disclaims any and all liability related to the violation of the obligations pertaining to BBPlane and present in these conditions of use of the BBPlane Portal, for cases of force majeure and for reasons not attributable to BBPlane.
This "terms and conditions of use" document contains all the terms agreed between the parties relating to the subject of the services offered by BBPlane, which excludes and prevails over any prior understanding or agreement between the parties, both orally and in writing. No representations, commitments or promises can be considered, derive, explicitly or implicitly, from any oral or written statement made by the parties in the course of further negotiations.
Except as otherwise established in this document, communications between the parties must be made in writing and delivered by certified email, registered letter with return receipt.
Applicable law. The applicable law, to these conditions of use, as well as to all existing legal relationships between BBPlane and Users, Navigators, and Drivers - Sharers, connected to the services offered by this portal, is the Italian one. For the legal relations between Pilots and Users, reference is made in particular to the legislative decree 6 September 2005, n. 206, bearing the "Consumer Code", and subsequent additions and amendments, including the legislative decree 21 February 2014, n. 21 "Implementation of directive 2011/83 / EU on consumer rights, amending directives 93/13 / EEC and 1999/44 / EC and repealing directives 85/577 / EEC and 97/7 / EC".